External lightning protection - Industrial building

Lightning protection is protection against fire and, above all, personal injury. Lightning protection systems form a protective sheath around the building by intercepting direct lightning strikes and discharging them to the ground.

External lightning protection is covered by the IEC 62305 standard. The external lightning protection system can be implemented in the form of a:

  • Conventional lightning protection system
  • Isolated lightning protection system (e.g. HVI Lightning Protection)

HVI Lightning Protection 

HVI Lightning Protection means a high-voltage-resistant insulated down conductor which, in combination with adequate supporting tubes and air-termination rods, forms an isolated lightning protection system. 

What is special about this down conductor is that the lightning current carrying conductor is wrapped with a semi-conductive insulating material so that the required separation distance - from other conductive building parts or electric lines and pipes - is easily kept.

Product recommendations

DEHN schützt Industriegebäude - äußerer Blitzschutz HVI-long Leitung Stützrohr Dreibeinstativ Gewindestangen Set Betonsockel Anschluss-Set Befestigungsset Leitungshalter Dachleitungshalter Leitungshalter

A - HVI long Conductor

HVI long Conductor

Conductor, D 20 mm, black; fixed length, disposable reel (100 m)


B - Supporting tube

Supporting tube

Tube, D 50 mm, L3200 mm, GRP/Al with air-termination rod D 22/1610 mm L2.5 m and side outlet.


Tube, D 50 mm, L3200 mm, GRP/Al with air-termination tip D 10 mm L1000 mm and side outlet (Part No. 105325)

C - Tripod


Hinged, for tubes D 50 mm with slot W 35 mm, radius 600 mm, angle 5°, StSt.

D - Threaded rod set

Threaded rod set

For tripods, 2x M 16x520 mm with base plate, nuts and spring washers StSt.


Threaded rod set for tripods, 2x M 16x340 mm with base plate, nuts and spring washers StSt (Part No. 105396)

E - Concrete base

Concrete base

Base C45/55 17 kg wedged D 337 mm H 90 mm + plastic base plate D 370 mm black (Part No. 102050)

F - Connection set

Connection set

Including mounting material for HVI Long Conductor D 20mm black (installed in and at the supporting tube).
Connection element (head piece) for HVI Long Conductor Ø20 mm installed at the supporting tube (Part No. 819197).

G - Fixing set

Fixing set

Set D 61 mm 4x D 20 for HVI Long Conductor supporting tubes.

H - Conductor holder

Conductor holder

 For HVI Conductor (StSt) D 20-23 mm, fixed by means of a tensioning strap D 50-300 mm.

I - Roof conductor holder

Roof conductor holder

FB for flat roofs with concrete block C35/45 with one-piece holder Rd 8 mm + adapter D 20 mm for snapping HVI Conductors into the roof conductor holder FB (Part No. 253026).

J - Conductor holder

Conductor holder

For HVI Conductor StSt D 20-23 mm with M8 thread.


Conductor holder for HVI Conductor D 20 mm with slot 16x6.5 mm StSt (Part No. 275229)


Have you got any questions? Contact us.

Technical support

Phone: +49 9181 906 1750

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