DEHNguard M DC ACI 1250 FM
Maximum safety for maximum charging power

Discover our specialist for high-power charging and fast-charging posts: The modular Type 2 DEHNguard M DC ACI 1250 FM arrester has been specially designed for use in DC charging equipment up to 1,250 V. Thanks to the integrated ACI switch/spark gap combination, its protection modules combine the necessary overvoltage protection with the backup fuse. You save on an external backup fuse, and this results in many other advantages.

All the benefits at a glance

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Already fit for
IEC 61643-41

With a protection level of 2.5 kV and a short-circuit withstand capability of 30 kA, the parameters have already been adapted to the upcoming standard.

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Thanks to the integrated ACI technology, no external backup fuse needs to be installed. This saves valuable space in existing charging posts and allows new models to be designed more compactly.


No dimensioning necessary

The elimination of an external backup fuse eliminates the need for laborious dimensioning of backup fuses, selectivity and cross-sectional areas when designing new charging posts. The integrated switch/spark gap combination is precisely adapted to the arrester.

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Cost saving

The external backup fuse normally required for the surge arrester of each charging point is no longer necessary. So the more charging points your HPC park has, the more you save.

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Easy maintenance

The pluggable modules can be replaced quickly and easily in the event of a fault. In addition, the floating remote signalling contact always provides reliable information about the status of the arrester.

Designed to the finest detail

1. "+", "-" and "PE" connection: up to 25 mm2 (flexible) and up to 35 mm2 (stranded, rigid) 

2. Used without a backup fuse

3. Short-circuit current: 100 kA

4. Status indication

5. ACI technology with integrated switch /spark gap combination

6. Remote signalling contact for easy remote monitoring

The "no-worries solution" from DEHN

ACI technology: For maximum safety in the switchgear cabinet

Our Type 1 and Type 2 arresters with ACI technology have an integrated switch/spark gap combination. This replaces the otherwise necessary backup fuse and saves you time-consuming dimensioning. In addition, the innovative arresters enable flexible installation and raise the protection of your system availability to a new level.

The DEHN ACI technology


  • Peak-level reliability and system availability
  • Reliable dimensioning and space savings due to the elimination of the separate backup fuse 
  • Long service life thanks to high TOV withstand and zero leakage current 
  • Easy installation due to a smaller cross-sectional area
To ACI technology

Effective protection solution also for battery storage systems

The effects of lightning discharges pose a serious threat to battery storage systems. The surges resulting from this exceed the dielectric strength of the installed electronic components inside the storage system many times over. Constant availability of these storage systems is a decisive factor for the energy revolution. The DEHNguard M DC ACI 1250 FM is used in DC battery storage systems up to a maximum short-circuit strength (ISCCR) ≤100 kA; operating time: t ≤7.5 ms.

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DEHNguard M DC ACI 1250 FM

Modułowy, gotowy do podłączenia ogranicznik przepięć Typ 2, DEHNguard M DC ACI 1250 FM, do zastosowań stałoprądowych z mechanicznym wskaźnikiem działania / uszkodzenia. Ogranicznik przepięć typu 2 zgodnie z EN / IEC 61643-41, składający się z kombinacji przełącznika i iskiernika. Szczególnie nadaje się do zastosowań w urządzeniach ładujących DC do 1250 V.

Dodaj  Szczegóły


Flyer DEHNguard M DC ACI Maximum safety for maximum charging power .pdf 1.1 MB
White Paper ACI technology An innovative device concept for SPDs .pdf 2.2 MB

Got any questions about the

We are ready to answer your questions on the DEHNguard M DC ACI. Call us on +49 9181 906 1462 or write us an email [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!