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DEHN for a safe transition to the new energy world

The climate crisis and soaring energy costs are fuelling the growth of renewable energies in all sectors, commercial and private. Intelligent and sustainable generation, distribution and use of energy are key to the sustainable management of resources. From 14 - 16 June, you can find DEHN at Europe’s most important platform for the energy industry - The smarter E Europe in Munich, Hall B5, Stand 420. The immense increase in renewable energies presents us with new challenges. For example, how to provide protection against the effects of lightning or surges caused by switching operations, both now and in the future. DEHN can respond to these challenges with its protection solutions, a combination of proven and new innovative products with comprehensive services. For a continuous supply of energy - DEHN protects investments around the globe against disruptions caused by lightning currents and surges.

DEHN for a safe transition to the new energy world

DEHN protects both rooftop systems for the private sector and large PV power plants with storage systems against malfunctions and outages caused by lightning currents and surges. DEHN also protects people and installations by providing the right safety equipment for handling energy.

Reliability and safety are also top priorities in the electric mobility market. Damage to the charging infrastructure and electric vehicles caused by lightning interference or surges can be expensive and should be prevented whilst, at the same time, fulfilling the normative requirements of the DIN VDE 0100-443. The experts at the fair also have information on the significance of DIN VDE 0100-722 for the protection of charging infrastructures.

DEHN's customised protection concepts make sure that battery storage systems in the smart energy grid can reliably fulfil tasks such as peak shaving, energy management and maintaining power quality, even in the event of lightning currents and surges.

With the motto "DEHN protects", DEHN presents innovative protection solutions for key topics such as photovoltaics, smart grids, battery storage and electric mobility, regardless of the size of the installation. DEHN draws on decades of experience and helps with the planning and realisation of a lightning protection zone concept. A comprehensive lightning and surge protection concept and the use of optimally matched products increase the availability and service life of all installations and systems. In this way, the risks of a direct lightning strike or discharge of conducted and induced interference energies can be reduced to a safety-related and also economically justifiable level. DEHN surge protective devices meet the requirements resulting from stipulations in the standards as well as the operating parameters of the systems and installations.

Petra Raab

Petra Raab ⎟ Head of External Communications

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